Blue Sea Beach

A Little About Me

Born in Buckinghamshire, England, I led a typical life in the country. I prefer living in the open spaces, near coastlines, rather than in a town or city. My career choices initially followed with that preference, starting out from a young age by going to sea as a deck officer cadet, travelling around the world a number of times. As leave was quite generous for longer voyages, I developed an interest in the new desktop computers that were emerging into the work place.

Old Amersham

 My birthplace in the Buckinghamshire countryside

It was a natural progression to learn about the new desktop PC’s. I started working on dead IBM machines, and with the help and encouragement of the IT support engineers, within eighteen months I was IBM authorized and traveling all over the UK providing Desktop Support.

I continued with my providing Desktop support, gaining the authorizations and certifications from the likes of Mannesmann Tally, Apple, Hewlett Packard, Wyse, Compaq, Microsoft and other smaller vendors. I was also providing support for companies such as Rhone Polenc Rhôrer, Amersham International, National Westminster Bank, Blue Circle Cement, Deutsche Bank, Compaq(UK). The latter was especially interesting as I was on the Dealer Support Help Desk. It was just a few months after the 9/11 atrocity that my career in IT was brought to a stalling point.

After Deutsche Bank, I kept my interest in Desktop support going by doing people favors. Fixing, installing, trouble shooting friends desktops and laptops whenever I was asked. I had also developed in interest in Computer graphics and front end Web development. Web development is an ongoing learning curve as technology advances, more devices are linked to it and commerce is becoming increasingly dependent on it. I am of the Keeping It Simple philosophy. So I hand code, I like doing as it keeps out all the unnecessary stuff and keeps only the stuff that works. Hence, this web site was hand coded and not done through some web builder site.
Linux came about during this period, I had tinkered with Red Hat in its early days and I really did like using it. The support for everything about it is there, on the web. My favorite distribution of choice is OpenSuse. This is because it has a powerful backer, dedicated programming teams, is based on tried and tested SLES server variants and has never let me down. It is also really good for creative work such as web development.

Today I now live in California, USA. My goal is to start a new life and it has it’s ups and downs, same as everywhere else. The current Pandemic has opened a lot of opportunities relating to IT support and web development. I for one welcome an opportunity to work in an IT realted field whether it is for and employer or as a freelancer or teleworker. I still follow the interests I developed over the years, there are others such as marine modeling and sailing, computer graphics using GIMP and Blender but below are the one’s I have knowledge about thus I can write about.

  • IT support and Technology
  • Linux and Open-source Software
  • Camping and the outdoors
  • Lego modelling
  • Marine and railway modelling
  • Tiny houses
  • Travel

My time thus far in the United States has been interesting to say the least. I have worked and seen that people here really are different. However, I am here to stay and am prepared to work at whatever people require of what I can do. I am always learning, reading up on new ways of doing things , new standards. I love web programming, I love being creative. I use OpenSource software because it is so reliable, (Especially the OpenSuse Linux distribution), as it is always being tested for the SLES servers and so is already debugged. Besides, support is always there 24/7 around the world. OpenSuse has recently been described as the “Mercedes Benz” of operating systems and software.


Skills & Experience

I am proficient in MS Office suite; I am able to create, format and layout documents; create and use formulas across documents; create and manipulate graphical elements; mail merges and  integrate documents and data across applications.

I am able to use Photoshop, and Acrobat as well as create and manipulate images, create and edit PDF documents.

I am able to use Linux and open-source software such as GIMP, LibreOffice, Open-Source Operating systems. Currently I am using OpenSUSE Linux, (a Novell based distribution of Linux because it is well supported, and the applications are also well supported and updated).

I have experience in diagnosing and remedying desktop and laptop issues, including software issues and upgrades as needed. I can build said systems and put together small LANs.

I can code in HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Have created websites using both hand coding with text editors such as note pad and Bluefish, (Linux) and tools such as Dream Weaver  and Wordperfect, (including the DIVI Theme).

I am able to read, understand and follow written instructions, with understanding enough to follow those instructions to completion, maintaining adherence to ISO standards, both military and medical.

Wild Your Heart

There is a huge difference between being “Wild at heart”, and “Wilding your heart”.  Wild at heart to many is being irresponsible, chaotic, shirking responsibility and concerned only with self. Wilding your heart is a complete contrast. It is finding your freedom while not neglecting the feelings of others, especially those close to you.

  • Know who you are, by forgiving who you’re not. Who you  are is important. Don’t change “you” for someone else or to fit what you think someone wants you to be. you may have habits that need attention but your personality is the kernel of who you are and the world needs your special contribution. You can deal with bad habits but if you suppress who you really are, you will end up raging internally that will affect your life in a negative way.
  • Start a journal. This will take effort and discipline. Writing down your thoughts,  feelings and ideas is very thereupeutic and is great for making sense. It takes effort to discover what you really want out of life. Writing down your feelings, thoughts and ideas is a great method for making sense of this effort. Eventually you will realize what your really want in life. Ask yourself, as you write, “How can I make where I am now and adventure?
  • Treasure your dreams. Never lose sight of your dreams. Look for opportunities to work them into the situation you are in now. Modifications are sometimes needed so look at these modifications as a reality check and amend your dreams accordingly. You should never amend your dreams because they seem impossible or you feel hemmed in by the current situation. Work at keeping your dreams alive while waiting for the opportunity to weave them into your current situation, instead, work to change the external barriers so that your dream or dreams can become possible.
  • Never be dissatisfied with what you have. Learn to build on what you have.[4] No imaginable life situation is limiting in and of itself. Think of Christopher Reeve and the strength he held despite his injury and how he made the most of the remaining years of his life. You will always have more than you realize. If not health, then a sense of humor. If not wealth, then health. And so on. Always check off the things that are positive about your life before becoming mired in the negative.
  • Heed warnings from those you respect. Do not take to heart any crticisms from people you hardly know or don’t respect. They will hardly know you nor know how you tick. On the other hand take on board and listen very carefully to critiscism from people who know you very well and you respect. Be honest with yourself when you listen to what they say and look deep inside. Act upon thier cricisms calmly. Doing so may make the difference that will still permit your freedom but will tone down the craziness that you may be exhibibing on the outside. 
  • Avoid materialism. Gathering things can never replace the power of a good relationship, knowing there are people you can turn to and having and appreciation of the world around you. You can easily be bogged down by stuff in your lifestyle, for instance, a large mortgage, a car you are too scared to drive for fear of damaging it and incurring more expense. Things such as that can become guilded cages of the worst kind to be stuck in.
  • Know the difference between anger and wild. There is a huge difference between the two:
  • Anger is bitterness, holding onto a grudge, a past hurt or an obsession. Anger is draining, saps your energy ; it is the enemy of freedom and can act as the cage lock that prevents you from reaching your goals.
  • Wild is knowing yourself, what you want and striving for the freedom to enjoying the adventure that is life. Wild is unlocking cages that prevent you from becoming who you are fully and making a full contribution to the world.
Get out. With many of our busy shedules this is easier said than done. This will take a certain amount of discipline. The simple act of stepping away from your desk, getting out of the house, taking a walk. On a broader note, a day trip, a road trip, a weekend away are good ideas. Being mobile in this manner alleviates the feeling of being caged or tied down. It will do no harm to accept you a person who needs to get out and feel a breeze in your hair or the early morning dew on your face. It is who you are. Don’t cage it in.  
Figure out who you are apart from everyone. There is a definite tug There is a strange bind in those who are highly independent and seek freedom and yet desperately seek the approval and tolerance of others. This tension and pull can tear you apart if you do not take care of your internal needs and face the reasons why you crave others’ acceptance so intensely. Take time away to build up your self-esteem and beliefs without being influenced by others. Then you will be in a better position to avoid hurt when criticized and will be able to cope with confrontation instead of seeking to run because you feel suffocated or oppressed.